CD "Dreams on the Native American Flute"

It is my great pleasure to present to you my new CD " DREAMS"!
The CD is intended for relaxing and meditation puroses. The Native American Flute is smoothly interwoven with different sounds of Nature to create an atmosphere, where you can let go of distracting thoughts, daily sorrows and stressful events in order to allow yourself to experience yourself as part of Nature again.

The CD "DREAMS" is physically available here in our Online-Shop or can be downloaded via Itunes Music or in the Google Store.

"The comforting sounds of Nature combined with the harmonic tunes of the Native American Flute create a harmonious space which invites you to relax, meditate and dream"
Dreams Cover4"The sounds of Nature inspires and enlightens, so that melodies of the soul reveal themselfs"

Inlaycard Rückseite4
"May these sounds encourage and assist you in opening yourself to the truth of your heart"


If you like the music and want to buy the CD, click on the image above

or go to Apple Music Itunes, Google Music, Spotify , Amazon Music etc where you can download the album


 Here are some samples of the songs:

beauty of the dawn

ocean breeze

morning prayer

inside my heart

renewal of the lands

healing wathers

healing wathers